Level 3
since ‎Mar 31, 2021
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We have software reviews enabled in the catalog. We can see the reviews on the catalog item on the reviews tab, but we cannot figure out which table we can use to see them in the database.
Hi we're getting an error that a machine is offline and not present on the JAMF sever when trying to chose a target device. during checkout I am not familiar at all with the JAMF server, but the admin advised that the JAMF instance is fully functiona...
We noticed last week that AppPortal began sending approval emails showing negative license counts, even though Flexera shows available licenses.We have confirmed the ARL that is linked to the license is also associated with the catalog item.We ran th...
I've grouped two items, one is an unlicensed software, and the other is a general package. The unlicensed product in the bundle shows a license check icon when we review the items. Outside of the bundle, the product does not show a license checkI hav...
Online status:
‎Oct 04, 2024
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