Level 3
since ‎Oct 19, 2005
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I've done a fresh install of Adminstudio 9 with Installshield 2009 onto a clean workstation (Windows XP SP2). I open a transform and it's associated MSI in Installshield and every time i try to use the Installsheild's Build...Debug menu item or Buil...
I have a series of properties and a feature that I include in every package that i create.My .ism containing these items works great for legacy repackaging in Adminstudio 8.6 using the repackaging tool. But figuring out how to create a default trans...
I created a test company that i now wish to delete.When i do so, it gives me a message box to confirm, and after selecting YES, the page refreshes, but the company remains.Any ideas?
Are any events fired in the IPlugin Interface when a rollback occurs?Thanks!crosis
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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