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Upgrading from AdminStudio 5.01 to v6 ISM file association?

Hi -

When I upgrade to version 6 AdminStudio from version 5.01, ISMs are still associated with Developer 8 when you see them, and when you right click on them to OPen With. Has anyone else seen this? What's the easiest way to get rid of this and change it to Editor? If I choose Developer, it tries to reinstall it!

Thanks, Jenn
(2) Replies
If you right click on an .ism file & choose the option Open With.. | Choose Program.. , you will be able to select the executable you want to open your .ism file with. Then you can choose the isdev.exe file for the InstallShield X editor(program files\installshield x\system\isdev.exe). Check the checkbox at the bottom that says "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" & Windows will take care of changing the registry settings necessary to associate the .ism with this .exe.

I'm not sure why it didn't change the association when you upgraded, but this should fix it for you now.

Thanks - I do know how to set change the setting for those, but I was surprised that the AdminStudio 6 MSI did not overwrite these values for Developer 8. Which means I will have to add them into my MST for AdminStudio 6. I would rather have it set during install then have to tell my packagers to change this after the install.
