Hey,What are the differences between : Root accounts and The Accounts displayed when you load the 'All accounts' tab under FlexNet?There is a massive difference : 51K for root account vs 90K accounts.Using the rest API only the root accounts gets ret...
Hey there,What is the supported format for a user to register to gain access to the end-user portal?I have a customer who used the following : a-zA-Z0-9 and _+ @dom.something.com they cannot save or delete those because they get the error 'email (......
Hi Flexera, Could you guide me on an error message : '[1,7e3,4,0[70000001,0,120b0094]] One of the imput parameters is bad'?I would assume the first part can direct me where the error occur but is it hex or else?Thanks, Paul
Hi,Who does the configuration when it comes to CORS policy / Http request? looking at the Webservice integration from you nothing is mentioned ?Thanks,Paul
Hi @jberthold, I am using : GET /operationsportal/accounts/autocomplete/accounts/{name}.Creating an account using the SOAP service (v3/UserAcctHierarchyServicecreateAccount) Seems to create only sub account.What criteria makes an account 'Root' or pa...
thank you @kclausen, I sent a case with support seems the function checking the format validity email is not the same on the end-user side and the Flexnet Operations.
thank you for your example(s), seems to create line items now (even though I get a '9999:java.lang.NullPointerException' a failed response, I can see the new line item populated.Now this only works if I specify an 'id' for the entitlement.What I woul...