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since ‎Apr 19, 2013
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Hi,We are using IAW 2011 SP3 Enterprise Version.We are facing some issue when we run the setup on Windows Server 2012.When we run the setup, it shows the following error: "Installer UI Mode Error".Please find the attached screenshot.Kindly, let me kn...
Hi,I am trying to build a setup which shows the language dialog box at the startup. We are using InstallScript MSI project.I gave English and French options in the Languages UI option.But, I get -4092 error: "Unable to open the MSI database 1036.msi"...
Hi,Is there any way to change the icon shown in the attached image.Thanks,CinVVL
Hi,I configured few fields as File Chooser and Directory Chooser in some dialog.But I find folder options buttons (like Move Up, Create new folder, back) are invisible.I am installing the setup in OS: Windows 7 professional.The same issue in OS: Win...
Hi,When I use the action "SetInstallAnyWhere Variable" in the install project (In Post Install tasks),I find some blank space added in the install log instead of giving the information about the variable.Can any one let me know how to avoid this blan...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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