Hi, is there a possibility or function in Spider (WebGUI, SpiderAdmin-Tool,...) to send an email message to an user e.g. to inform the User of his new account and login information?
If not, maybe I can use the Report and Alert function. Is there anywhere a documentation for the Spider Admin Tool available ?
Or any other ideas?
Thanks and Regards
‎Feb 03, 2021 08:41 AM
Hi, I figured out a way by using the Alert and Report function:
1. Create a new User. The new User must also exist as employee with the same email address (If the user ist not in the synchronised AD, the employee must be created manualy.)
2. Create a "Alert"-View on the core db joining the user and employee table via the email adress (the view have to contain the employee ID!!). Filter the view according to the sysInsert-date = today (or yesterday -> depending on alert schedule)
3. Create an alert with the Admin-Tool in the section "Spider Core" using the created "alert"-view and using the dynamic emloyee option in the Recipients section ("Filter Columns" > off (don't know why 😉 ).
But I'm still interested on the Spider-Admin-Manual !!!
‎Feb 05, 2021 09:41 AM
Hi Markus,
I do not think Spider has the ability to send out notifications to you new users.
I will double check with the development.
I must admit, that would be a very fine feature.
If not, I will open an improvement ticket with the development team.
Kind regards,
James Ellis
‎Feb 05, 2021 08:42 AM
Hi, I figured out a way by using the Alert and Report function:
1. Create a new User. The new User must also exist as employee with the same email address (If the user ist not in the synchronised AD, the employee must be created manualy.)
2. Create a "Alert"-View on the core db joining the user and employee table via the email adress (the view have to contain the employee ID!!). Filter the view according to the sysInsert-date = today (or yesterday -> depending on alert schedule)
3. Create an alert with the Admin-Tool in the section "Spider Core" using the created "alert"-view and using the dynamic emloyee option in the Recipients section ("Filter Columns" > off (don't know why 😉 ).
But I'm still interested on the Spider-Admin-Manual !!!
‎Feb 05, 2021 09:41 AM