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SVM On-prem R1 is now available for download. This new version of the on-prem edition is compatible with the latest version of the Patch Publisher v7.20.1114. Some important updates include:

Patch Publisher Enhancements –

  • Enhanced the Create Update Package Wizard, the empowerment of the "Add Local File" button in the Package Contents panel. Now, this button is dynamically enabled, enabling you to seamlessly incorporate files into your update packages.
  • A notable update in our system configuration process has been made. In addition to the existing "Restart Service" feature, we have now configured "Test and Save Connection" to automatically restart the Patch Publisher service when making changes to SVM connection settings or adding/editing distribution connections.
  • In the Create Patch Wizard's Applicability Criteria - Paths panel, the "Show Relevant Paths" checkbox will now come pre-selected, displaying exclusively the EOL/Insecure file paths. This update excludes secure file paths from the list.
  • Performance of Wizard and Subscription processes for SPS/ VPM  patches in the Patch Publisher has been notably enhanced through application optimization.
  • When publishing SPS / VPM patches to the Intune deployment system, SVM will now fetch limited paths for subscription at a time. This enhancement aims to prevent subscription failures and applies to both the Wizard and Subscription processes.

Software Vulnerability Manager User Interface Enhancements -

  • Ability to mark specific products as ESU (Extended Security Update) at various levels, providing enhanced control and visibility. This feature is designed to streamline product management within Smart groups.
  • Enhanced the Dashboard page with a brand-new "Last Month" column in all the key widgets. Now, you can effortlessly access crucial information for the previous month in these widgets. In the coming release we are planning to add the “Last Month” column for the other three widgets.

Marking Windows Operating System as End-of-Life -

  • SVM has now the capability to distinguish between various builds of the Windows Operating System and designate them as End-of-Life according to their build number.

Some Other Enhancements -

  • The load time of the VPM Grid and wizard under the Vendor Patch Module in Patch Publisher/web console has been significantly improved because of application optimization.
  • We've addressed the issue of limitations in displaying sites within the dropdown menu under Results > Hosts Smart Groups > All Hosts > Showing All Sites.
  • We have enhanced our email validation system to provide a smoother Single Sign-On (SSO) experience for you. Our team has diligently worked to accommodate larger top-level domains (TLDs), ensuring that your email addresses are accurately recognized and seamlessly integrated into our SSO screens and User Management systems.

For the release notes, please click here.