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Multiple API connections

Can a single user have multiple (Unconnected) API connections at once? Limited testing would indicate... not...


It looks like having connections to the API from two unconnected environments (i.e. DEV and UAT, or even DEV and validating queries by hand) doesn't quite work. I get random 403's and occasionally I'd swear that the answer coming back wasn't what was asked...


Is there session information persisted on the authentication token? And if so, is it as simple a fix as just generating a separate auth token per environment?



(3) Replies
By Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Hi @hamish,

Please take a look at the Helpnet Guide for more information on the request issues you're seeing:

> And if so, is it as simple a fix as just generating a separate auth token per environment?
Yes, that's how you'd go around problems seen when two accounts are sharing one user token. 

"To understand where a system breaks, one should think like the person who built it"

I see nowhere in the docs that it discusses multiple sessins at once.


And you can't have more than 1 token per user either...



Hi @hamish,

The problems relate to request throttling that might be seen as malicious activity by the API as described in this specific chapter of the guide.

There is also a general limit on the number of API requests that can be made per minute time. Logging in with two accounts and running queries through both will hit this limit much quicker which will result in forbidden HTTP errors. 

We recommended you to use two different user accounts for the two different environments which would allow you to use two separate unrelated tokens that would not interfere therefore extending your ability to perform 500 requests at a minute instead of 250 as the limitation goes per a single account. 

I apologize if my previous reply was somewhat unclear in this regard. 

"To understand where a system breaks, one should think like the person who built it"