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Question about times displayed in an Inventory item


I'm a little confused about the different times being shown in an inventory item. Can you please clarify the following questions:

1. What does this time in img_1 attachement from Inventory > General > Last Inventory Source mean? 

2. What does this time in img_2 attachment from Inventory > History > Date mean? Is is when the application was installed? Or is it when Flexera processed the ndi files that have this information?

3. What does this time in img_3 attachment from Inventory > History > Last updated date mean? How is it different from the time in attachment img_1?


Anjani Chalasani.

(1) Solution
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

1. The "Last inventory date" is the date when the currently imported inventory data was gathered from the device. The exact semantics of this date may vary based on how the tool used to gather inventory determines it, but in the case of the FlexNet inventory agent that you are using here the date will be based on the clock settings on the device at the time the inventory was gathered.

2. The values in the "Date" column in the history grid are when the particular change noted was made to the record. In the case of an application installation being recognized, this will identify the time at which the installation was recognized by the FNMS/Flexera One ITAM system - that will generally be during the inventory import process. This does not definitively tell you when an application was installed, but it may be an indication that the application was installed in the recent past. Or it may be an indication that the ARL was updated in the recent past with new rules that resulted in the installation being recognized.

3. The "Last updated date" timestamp on the History tab is the time the most recent change was made to the inventory device record. For example, if you change the status of the record then this timestamp will change.

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(2) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

1. The "Last inventory date" is the date when the currently imported inventory data was gathered from the device. The exact semantics of this date may vary based on how the tool used to gather inventory determines it, but in the case of the FlexNet inventory agent that you are using here the date will be based on the clock settings on the device at the time the inventory was gathered.

2. The values in the "Date" column in the history grid are when the particular change noted was made to the record. In the case of an application installation being recognized, this will identify the time at which the installation was recognized by the FNMS/Flexera One ITAM system - that will generally be during the inventory import process. This does not definitively tell you when an application was installed, but it may be an indication that the application was installed in the recent past. Or it may be an indication that the ARL was updated in the recent past with new rules that resulted in the installation being recognized.

3. The "Last updated date" timestamp on the History tab is the time the most recent change was made to the inventory device record. For example, if you change the status of the record then this timestamp will change.

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Thank you. That cleared some questions for us.