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Monitoring Flexera using BMC TrueSight

We have Felxera on-premise

And we need to monitor the Flexera  application server and beacon server  in case of something went down or changed.

BMC TrueSight  used for monitoring 

What is required to enable the monitoring? what must be monitored? 

Appreciate  sharing  any reference



(4) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm not that familiar with BMC TrueSight. Can you give some examples of the types of things that this product is commonly configured to monitor? Somebody may then be able to identify how those things would apply to a FlexNet Manager Suite application and beacon servers.

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  • BMC TrueSight using SNMP protocol 
  • Monitor  services running on OS   if it goes down  or stop working 
  • It have the ability to check URL  up and run or not.


How can I make sure the connectivity is fine  between Flexera Application server and beacon ? in case of connectivity issue 

Do Flexera support  sending SMS or email notification  in such cases?




I would suggest using some kind of log file monitoring solution and check the beacon logs for communication failure/warning type of messages. (I don't know if any of your existing monitoring solutions offer such functionality though...)


Its look a good idea …
I will check with Monitoring team