All licenses have the option to "Copy Version and Edition from the most recent application ". This option can be set in the "identification tab" of every license.
I would expect that when a newer application (e.g. Windows Server 2019) is added to a license via version upgrade the license displays then "2019" instead of an earlier verison (e.g. Windows Server 2016).
Oddly, I did not see this feature working on any system. Can anybody confirm this bug?
‎Jul 25, 2019 03:26 AM
I see the same happen in our demo environment internally, I'll raise a support ticket on this.
‎Aug 07, 2019 01:53 AM
‎Aug 07, 2019 07:54 AM
This checkbox will only have an effect during license creation from a purchase order.
The license will get the name of the most recent version and edition that has been configured when the license is being created initially.
The license name will not be updated automatically in case the applications configured on the license change. The applications linked to a license can be updated automatically during the daily compliance import in case the license is under maintenance (has upgrade privileges) and a new version of the product is released (which we learn through the ARL updates).
As a best practice, it is recommended to name your licenses using your own standardized naming convention. If the license is under maintenance, the license name should NOT contain the latest release of the application (like '2019') as this license can be consumed by older versions of the application, too ...
‎Aug 08, 2019 05:01 AM
I've now tested and can confirm that the license version/edition attributes do get updated when you manually link an application (with newer version as an example) to the license, i.e. the newer version manually added updates the license identification tab accordingly.
The automated 'covered by upgrade/downgrade rights' listed applications that may automatically come from maintenance into the downgrade/upgrade linked applications section (Applications tab of the license) won't cause an update to the license version/edition attributes in the license identification tab (as also described by @statler above in this thread).
‎Aug 08, 2019 07:56 AM
Ah thanks for the clarification John. Now the question is whether this behavior is intended...
‎Aug 08, 2019 09:44 AM
I found this post stating the same issue on refresh for license version and edition. I have opened a new case on this one because the behavior of a license is the refresh the list of titles each time it is refreshed (or when it is created). The procedure called is: ReApplySoftwareTitlesByUpDownGradeRights the is a section for refreshing the version and edition for the licenses flagged with: "Copy Version and Edition from the most recent application".
The issue is that the script just catches the "current software title" (the one picked up at the license creation that you see in the upper list of "Applications". The stored procedure could take the "Highest Software Titles linked to the license of the same product and edition of the current title".
The following section
-- Re-synchronise license edition/version if necessary
UPDATE SoftwareLicense
Version = CASE WHEN sl.CopyEditionAndVersion = 1 THEN stv.VersionName ELSE sl.Version END,
Edition = CASE WHEN sl.CopyEditionAndVersion = 1 THEN ste.EditionName ELSE sl.Edition END
FROM dbo.SoftwareLicense AS sl
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY slp_inner.SoftwareLicenseID ORDER BY slp_inner.Supplementary, slp_inner.SoftwareTitleProductID) AS RowNumber,
FROM dbo.SoftwareLicenseProduct AS slp_inner
) AS slp
ON slp.SoftwareLicenseID = sl.SoftwareLicenseID
AND slp.RowNumber = 1
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitle AS st ON st.SoftwareTitleID = slp.CurrentSoftwareTitleID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleVersion AS stv ON stv.SoftwareTitleVersionID = st.SoftwareTitleVersionID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleEdition AS ste ON ste.SoftwareTitleEditionID = st.SoftwareTitleEditionID
sl.SoftwareLicenseID = @SoftwareLicenseID
Should be replaced with this:
-- Re-synchronise license edition/version if necessary
UPDATE SoftwareLicense
Version = CASE WHEN sl.CopyEditionAndVersion = 1 THEN stv2.VersionName ELSE sl.Version END,
Edition = CASE WHEN sl.CopyEditionAndVersion = 1 THEN ste.EditionName ELSE sl.Edition END
FROM dbo.SoftwareLicense AS sl
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY slp_inner.SoftwareLicenseID ORDER BY slp_inner.Supplementary, slp_inner.SoftwareTitleProductID) AS RowNumber,
FROM dbo.SoftwareLicenseProduct AS slp_inner
) AS slp
ON slp.SoftwareLicenseID = sl.SoftwareLicenseID
AND slp.RowNumber = 1
JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitle st ON st.SoftwareTitleID = slp.CurrentSoftwareTitleID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleVersion stv ON stv.SoftwareTitleVersionID = st.SoftwareTitleVersionID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleEdition ste ON ste.SoftwareTitleEditionID = st.SoftwareTitleEditionID
LEFT JOIN SoftwareTitle st2
on st2.SoftwareTitleID = (SELECT TOP 1 stl.SoftwareTitleID FROM SoftwareTitleLicense stl
LEFT JOIN SoftwareTitle st3 on st3.SoftwareTitleID = stl.SoftwareTitleID
LEFT JOIN SoftwareTitleVersion stv3 on stv3.SoftwareTitleVersionID = st3.SoftwareTitleVersionID
WHERE st3.SoftwareTitleProductID = st.SoftwareTitleProductID
AND st3.SoftwareTitleEditionID = ste.SoftwareTitleEditionID
ORDER BY stv3.VersionWeight DESC)
LEFT JOIN SoftwareTitleVersion stv2 on stv2.SoftwareTitleVersionID = st2.SoftwareTitleVersionID
sl.SoftwareLicenseID = @SoftwareLicenseID
‎Jan 06, 2020 05:32 AM
Thanks Nicolas (@nrousseau1)
I did raise a support case about it back when this community thread was initiated and documentation was updated according to the current design.
Therefore, if you succeed getting functionality changed as per your support case raised then please make sure to also get documentation updated again.
‎Jan 06, 2020 06:37 AM
Thanks for your support. We will test the enhancements any time soon.
‎Jan 13, 2020 05:28 AM