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Applications on a list of assets

I am hoping to support a project that is rationalising applications across our estate.

Is it possible to create a report that will accept a list of device numbers and report back all applications found on each device?

Basically, what I am after is the result of clicking on a device and then the Applications tab but for multiple devices at the same time.

(3) Replies
By Level 17 Champion
Level 17 Champion

Hi David,

What you are asking for sounds like a logical "or" for a report filter. You should be able to achieve this with "Advanced filter".


A more elaborate solution could involve dynamic SQL. The idea would be to pass a filter string containing elements separated by a delimiter (e.g. 'abc;xyz'). Then disassemble it in SQL and build a dynamic filter (ComputerName = 'abc' OR ComputerName = 'xyz') from it.

Best regards,


Hi @davidmuncaster1 

As demonstrated by @mfranz, there are ways to achieve this with multiple filters, but that is not practical for a large number of devices.  This is a capability I have seen in Service Now and i believe it would be a good enhancement to request via the link below:


Further to your problem,  depending on your environment size, it would be simpler to extract all the required data for all devices via a report or SQL, and then filter and search for specific device results in excel.



Hi David,

Under "Reports > License Compliance > Applications", there is a standard report named "Device Installation Details" that allows listing all applications installed on a single Inventory only.

You can create a custom report from the FNMS Web UI that allows listing applications installed on multiple Inventories.

In the "Report Builder", combine the "Inventory Device" object with the "Installations" object. For the "Installations" object, I remove the "Inventory Device Name" property (as this would be listed twice). From the "Application" object, feel free to add additional properties like "Edition" or "Classification".

In the subsequent "Preview and Filter" dialog, you can re-arrange the columns as needed (see attached screen shots).

After giving your report a name and saving it, you can use the "global search" feature in the report, or use an advanced filter for filtering on multiple device names in the "Inventory device name" column.