we are using FNMS 2021 R1 version and as per our understanding this version of flexera is capable of collecting application inventory from Kubernetes.
I would like to have some documents and roadmap on how to gather inventory form kubernetes using FNMS agents , not configuring the agent but how the agent will collect the inventory ?
does it collect inventory for all the publishers ?
the inventory collected by the FNMS agent from kubernetes will use that details to reconcile all publishers or its limited to any specific publishers?
if an an application is installed in a host and an application is running in the image of an container will that consume dual license or it will be considered as one license ?
All the above information are needed only for AKS kubernetes and Docker container working model
Apr 22, 2022 09:41 AM
We are currently only using the docker inventory, but are in the planning of deploying the Kubernetes agent, so below is my understanding but maybe not the full truth.
Docker Inventory / Docker inventory light
Docker container inventory activated in the settings basically injects and runs the inventory process for all publishers. However to my knowledge no license reconciliation process exists in current releases, only for inventory.
The CI/CD docker inventory works in similair way as Kubernetes light.
Kubernetes & Kubernetes Light
Gathering FlexNet Inventory IT Asset Management - Two FlexNet Kubernetes Agents (flexera.com)
The full kubernetes agent performs inventory as normal agent, license reconciliation for IBM license service.
The Light agent performs inventory based on annotations and integration with IBM license service. So with this agent you will not get the full inventory, but has the advantages to use less privilige account etc.
License reconciliation
To my understanding for kubernetes it will only reconcile IBM License Manager data for license consumption calculations. All other are only for inventory tracking.
Apr 24, 2022 01:58 AM