Sometimes it's happening we have difficulties on finding some particular versions of Weblogic on target servers using zero footprint inventory.
So I was wondering, if for some of them we cannot solve the problem, is there a way to add manually an application to an already done inventory? Or it is needed to create a brand new manual discovered device?
‎Nov 04, 2020 06:02 PM
You *could* insert data into the database or manually change the ndi before it is imported, but those are not really feasible approaches.
Instead, you could just allocate those machines to the appropriate license(s) and have them consume entitlements regardless of the application being found or not.
Best regards,
‎Nov 05, 2020 12:58 AM
‎Nov 05, 2020 05:00 AM
When you changed stuff on the "compliance" level, yes, this is likely to be inconsistent. When you change data on the "imported" level, it is just imported and processed like all the other stuff. There is still a low what can go wrong when messing around with the database and this would clearly not be supported.
Allocation is probably the only way to go.
‎Nov 05, 2020 06:21 AM
‎Nov 05, 2020 06:44 AM