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By Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

What's new in this release

Changes to note:

  • New EOL dates were added for 124 applications
  • Updated EOL dates for 50 applications

Count of new applications added:

Publisher Number of Applications
Bentley Systems 50
Docker 26
Box 17
IBM 11
Dominik Reichl 10
Citrix Systems 8
Trafficware 7
Aerospike 5
Others 88
Total 239

Current Library Totals:

  • Number of applications in ARL: 378,360 across 22,000 publishers.
  • Number of evidence recognition rules: 2,075,043
    • Installer evidence rules: 1,280,482
    • File evidence rules: 713,408
    • WMI evidence rules: 1463
    • Application suite evidence rules: 361
    • Number of commercial applications with service life dates: 79,329


Details of changes in the ARL

You can inspect changes made in this ARL release as per the following links:

FlexNet Manager Cloud: These updates are expected to be installed prior to Monday, April 11th, 2022.

FlexNet Manager On-premises: This library release will be applied to your FlexNet Manager according to schedule settings and processes configured for your instance. If your environment requires to you manually download and update library data, see the following article for guidance: Downloading the FlexNet Manager Suite Content libraries manually.

You can inspect the versions of currently installed libraries using the system Menu > System Health > System Health Dashboard menu option in FlexNet Manager.

Upcoming ARL and Service Life Data Pack updates: We nominally expect the next ARL and Service Life Data Pack updates to be published on or around Thursday, April 14th, 2022

Reporting issues with ARL and SLDP updates

Should you have any issues related to FlexNet Manager library data, please submit a case by logging in to the Flexera Community and then select the Get Support > Open new case menu option.

We are interested in feedback on these announcements. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvements, please comment below.

We trust that you will find this update helpful and look forward to continually improving your application recognition results.

Flexera Content Team

(10) Comments
Level 5


Has the ARL on the PLC been updated for 2671?

We are still seeing the contents of the previous 2670 level. Thanks. 

Level 5

Actually, this is the content of the files on the PLC, as of 18th Apr - the level for 2672 is still showing as of 2670 content, dated 1st April 2022

Capture_2672 (18Apr).PNG

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@sohbinong - ARL CAB file published in the Product and License Center (PLC) definitely currently contains scripts and contents from version 2672. The SQL script shown in your screenshot doesn't match the file that is currently in the PLC.

Sometimes old content may be cached somewhere between you and the PLC servers. You can also try downloading the ARL CAB file directly from the following URL to get the latest:

Level 5

hi Chris, 

Thanks for the updates. As you are probably aware, manual downloads are not allowed. 

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@sohbinong - OK. Automated downloads should generally use the URL for downloading the ARL CAB file. Only use the PLC if you are doing manual downloads.

Level 2


Hi Chris, Cant see the updated version on PLC :-


Please suggest where to check for updated content libraries




By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@nairvij - please see my earlier comments on this thread for a direct link to the latest ARL CAB file that should bypass any PLC caching issues that may be going on.

Level 2

@ChrisG  Thanks Chris I have downloaded that can you please link purl 518 and latest EOSL also.



By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@nairvij - the latest version of the PURL and SKU libraries is #501 (see the release notes here), which matches what I see in the PLC.

As far as I know, EOSL data is included in the ARL CAB file download which I understand you now have.

Level 2

@ChrisG I have imported all the cab files but SKU library Version is still 499