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Level 2

FlexNet Connect - delete inactive clients


Our current instances are reported by Flexera as exceeding our licensed level, but in reality there over a period there has been many dead systems (crashed, no more in active use etc.) which are also being reported in the license. I am looking at the FlexNet Connect console page and could not find a way to identify or delete the stale instances. Using FlexNet Connect 12.01. 

I read through some KB items, esp. this one of interest - but this did not mention what is the suggested option to clear a dead user-instance/system.

Please let me know what are the options for us to clear the stale systems.

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Hi @vparandhaman

The quota count for each unique users (devices) that connects to the FNC Publisher portal is determined by the number of unique users in that year. This should reset every year. So, a device which was truly inactive would not have any activity, so it would not count against the next years quota.

If you feel you're seeing devices that are indeed 'inactive', then please raise a support case and provide some examples of the inactive devices you're referring to. We'll look into this further for you. 

Kind regards,

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