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Technopedia catalog sync job failed with error - Failed to execute [BDNA Analyze Sync].

Hi Folks, 

We are facing error for Technopedia catalog sync job with error - Failed to execute [BDNA Analyze Sync]. We are getting this error once in two week (scheduled twice a week - Tuesday and Friday).  We are using below version 

Technopedia Version: 2023.04.04
Flexera Data Platform Version: 2022
Flexera Data Platform Build#: 5.5.57 Build20220927_3003

Kindly share your expertise to fix this issue. Thanks in advance. 

(3) Replies
By Level 4 Flexeran
Level 4 Flexeran

Hi Ashish,

Could you please open a support case and provide the following log files for us to look into

C:\Program Files\BDNA\Data Platform\log

C:\Program Files\BDNA\User Console\Logs

If you have Data Platform and User Console installed on another drive just adjust the file path.

Thanks, Daniel

I'm getting the issue that [BDNA Analyze Sync] never completes, no errors in the logs. A support case has been raised.