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How to reduce the publish time

Is there anyway to reduce the time required for the publish phase of a normalize process.  As you can see below this step is consistently taking over 9 hours.

2020-11-15 4:57:30 [HP UD] published.
2020-11-14 17:42:50 Publish inventory started. [HP UD].




(1) Reply
By Level 5 Flexeran
Level 5 Flexeran
HI Paul
1)Do you have an idea of how much data is being Normalized?
2)Also, has this always taken about 9 hours or did it increase in the last runs?
3)It will be helpful to get the publish_logger_tb output from the database .

I would change the event_timestamp to when your job was run.

select * from PUBLISH_LOGGER_TB where EVENT_TIMESTAMP >= '2020-11-03 22:26:17.433'
order by 1 desc

4) BDNA.log will be required as well.
5) Data Platform Patch version
6) HOw many data sources?

Please let us know if you need this further investigated as we will need to log a support case for troubleshooting