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Forum Posts

Solved Installer Evidence to Technopedia Entry

Is there a way to see what installer\file evidence is associated with a Technopedia Entry?  Much like you can do in FNM you can see the evidence associated with ARL entries even for applications not installed.  I know this can be done within the Mapp...

Solved Pentaho and service account interactive logon

My cyber security team granted us an exception a year ago for the Data Platform svc account to have interactive logon so we could install and configure DP. Our exception is up and they are asking when/if Flexera is working with Pentaho to remove this...

Mashup - Manufacturer ID

Has anyone used the Manufacturer ID for a mashup key?  I see that the ID is in the following format when I export if from Technopedia - 4,124, 4,125, etc.  Wondering what the correct format is for the ID when bringing data in through a mashup and usi...

Solved 5.5.53 Build20220601_3003 - Unable to export reports

After applying the 5.5.53 Build20220601_3003 patch set, we are unable to export any reports over 10000 rows to a csv.  I know the other formats don't support that large number of rows out of the box, but believe CSV always has.   Anyone else experien...

BDNA Upgrade/Patching Process

I struggle every time I have a patch to apply or upgrade the Data Platform. During upgrade to 5.5.22, 5.5.35 and 5.5.48, the configuration part fails at the console windows service start stage. For 5.5.22 and 5.5.35 upgrades I had to manually stop an...

Solved SW Mapped to "-"

Seeing a lot of software that is showing as mapped, however when looking at what it maps just shows the manufacturer, name, and version to either all be "-", or a mixture of an actual manufacturer, vendor, version and a "-".  Curious if anyone...

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