My customer has rolled out ServiceNow and AppPortal seperately. We are now looking at trying to get the tools to integrate. I see a lot in the Flexera documentation but was curious if there is any kind of general guidance or initial guidance that can help paint some context - almost like a Practice Guide on the FNMS side??? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Jan 29, 2020 05:39 PM
As a general guide to integration I would recommend the App Portal/App Broker 2019 R1 Administration Guide and specifically the section on 'Integrating App Broker with ServiceNow' which can be found at :
This document contains a number of links that should help you through the integration process.
Feb 04, 2020 05:20 AM
Actually, this section of the Admin Guide is probably a bit more applicable if you're talking about App Portal. The section referenced by @malderton is only relevant if you have an App Broker for ServiceNow license file and are using ServiceNow as the front-end UI. There is some overlap, as they leverage some of the same configuration settings. Typically, when using the App Portal UI, it is common to configure an ITSM operation/action on the On Fail Install and On Fail Uninstall events. If you want to simply create an incident upon a failure to install or uninstall software, it's pretty easy using the default operations that get created for you when following the linked instructions. You just create the default operations, modify the CREATE operation for the desired ticket type (e.g. incident) to populate the values you want filled in within the ticket (the default variables are the bare minimum, but you can modify them or add values for other fields if you wish), and then attach that action to the appropriate event(s).
Feb 04, 2020 05:07 PM