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shortcut menu items

I have repacked on XP (fatal mistake you say, i know..) anyhoo about half way through the second snapshot XP went fubar and started recreating all its icons on the start menu??? Now in my product i have a load of menu icons i dont want. I have deleted the actual shortcuts but the root folders are still there (says read only and part of [INSTALLDIR]) How do i get rid of them?

I have edited the direct table to dump all the shortcuts except the program i want.

Is this stored in the registry settings of a component (ie clsid or other) i think i saw shortcuts in there once before??
(3) Replies
To remove folders shown under StartMenuFolder or PrgramMenuFolder in Shortcut view, you need to clean up records in Directory table.
Excellent thanks loads 🙂
uhm actually ..

now i am recieving nothing but error 2705 on the actual running of the msi? it builds without errors but won't run. i cant find this error code?