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converting axt files

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am trying to convert an axt file. When I run repackager it gives me errors saying it can not find files. I have my source_path setup but it does not look like it can not see suborders after the source_path. Is there any documentation on how the axt file should be setup or converting the files.
(2) Replies

Thank you for your question regarding converting AXT files.

This is just a shot from the hip, but I'm curious if you've got a hard coded path in your AXT file that needs to be fixed up. If the error message all refer to a directory and a file that isn't in that directory (or the directory simply doesn't exist), then I'm sure that is the case.

If that doesn't help, could you post a sample of an entire error message? (error, message, file it refers to, etc.) That'll give us more info to work with.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
After doing some more research it is a Zen 3.1 file. I will have to have it created as a 3.0 file.
Thanks for your help.