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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

Feature Request: Related Applications

In WFM you can specify the Related Applications (or Related Workflows in WFM 5.6 terminology) against a record.It would be good if it were possible to specify the nature of the relationship, e.g. "Prerequisite" or "Parent".The way I see this working ...

CraigD by Level 5
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How to get to the next step

We are trying to use workflow manager. Most people are just giving up. For example I have a package that I entered all the information.I am stuck at the repackage stage. I have already re-packaged it and its in user testing. The workflow progress...

LoadInjectionDriver failed. Error: 0

In am evaluating AdminStudio 11 on both 32 bit XP and 64 bit Windows 7. AdminStudio appears to perform a .msi capture and repackage fine on XP. On Windows 7 I get LoadInjectionDriver failed. Error: 2, InjectLibrary32 failed. Error: 2, and InjectLin...

Adminstudio 10 ConfigMgr manual update download

Hi Is there a way to download updates manually for Adminstudio ? We are behind a proxy that requires authentication and the software updates don't work. It finds that there is an update, but when it tries to download it just hangs in there (see the a...

Convert App to Virtual App

Hi All,I'm trying to virtualize some applications without any luck. Using the Automated Application Converter, I added my VM that reside on an esx Server and added some packages with the Package Import Wizard.Then, I select 1 package and "Launch Pack...

Activate AdminStudio11

Hello,I have purchased AdminStudio11 and installed it on a virtual machine to be able to repackage a software. And later i would like to edit the repackaged MSI-file using InstallShield on my host computer but then i got "activation error 20653".It s...

Snapshots - Icons corrupting

Hi there folksI have an issue with snapshotting an application. This is driving me nuts. I have tried this with both AdminStudio 10 and 11 and the end result is the same.I start a snapshot and then I install my application. As part of the standard...

Jasonww by Level 2
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My explorer.exe crashes when I do silent install using /qn

Hi all,I have created a MSI to install my application. However, when I try to do a silent install using my MSI with /qn, I notice that all my desktop icons and windows start bar disappears during the installation. When this happens, I need to use the...

Working Directory

I want to change the Working Directory for the Compatibility Solver.At time is the Path to a mapped Netshare.But the Server from this share will be replaced. My Licence is a AdminStudio Professional (1 DB only). I don't find a way to configure that. ...