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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

WFM 6.0 issue with WorkFlow Steps

Hi ,I;ve installed WFM 6.0 correctly, can see the global templates working.But when copying or creating a new template, I cannot view /create / add Steps.. without an error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhand...

jaybee96 by Level 8
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WFM Issue with "AdminStudio Phase"

When creating a Workflow Template the following issue occurs:1. Create Phase2. Change Phase in "AdminStudio Phase"Problem: Cannot select AdminStudio WorkFlow because list is empty...Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

AdminStudio 11.5

Hi,According to the website AdminStudio 11.5 has been released.Where can i obtain the setup files?Thanks in advance,Regards,Fabio

Installation Monitoring - file/folder permissions?

Hi, hoping someone can help me! My company is finally moving forward on automating all of our first- and third-party applications. I have been trying out Adminstudio 11.5, and the Installation Monitoring repackager has been working wonderfully - ex...

Capturing an End User License Agreement

Is there anyway to capture an applications Complete EULA? My company has a few small applications that need to be converted to MSI but they have unique EULAs, with different banners, wording and text. I can somewhat recreate these but its takes few d...

MRuney by Level 3
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ISDEV warning -6653

One feature contains more than 1600 Components.What can I do to fix this.Problem is that my build cannot finish succesfully:(

Automated Application Converter - Error 4390 (VIX Error: 3014)

We've configured AAC for the first time and we're getting the following error message when we run through the wizard. We're just testing with one Win 2003 VM at the moment in order to prove the process, that machine added and configured fine.VirtualM...

iainjo by Level 3
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isexp fatal error 0 using Repackager

Hi,I am trying to convert a SETUP.EXE (SAS 9.2 software) to an MSI using Repackager.I captured the setup using Repackaging Wizard Installation Monitoring.(Using Admin Studio 9.5).Repackager gives the following in the Build log file.Building CAB files...

scopsm by Level 3
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How to extend folder permissins in V11

Adminstudio V11.If I want to modify some security settings on a folder or registry key I can see only 1 user ( %USERDOMAIN [LogoUser] ).How can I extend this with other users ?