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Tuner Hangs while creating Xforms.

Trying to create a response transform for AcadLT 2004. It gets through the UI and then hangs.

Any Suggestions?

(8) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I would like you to open this MSI package in Developer and then go to Direct Editor. Then go to "InstallUISequence" table and search for "ISStartup" and "DLLWrapCleanup" in Sequence column. If you find these entries then I will say it is a bug in Tuner that we have identified. Please let me know the result and I will try to provide you with some way to fix this problem.

If you don't find these entries then send me the MSI package and I can look at it.
Can you post the work-around to this problem. I'm experiencing this same problem and need a solution ASAP.
Thank you in advance,
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Can you please zip your MSI package and send it to me at

I can take a look at it and then get back to you ASAP. This will help me to identify the problem and provide you with you some solution.
For this particular product, AutoCad, I was forced to use their admin tool to create the transform. Then modify it with developer.

I would be interested in the work around, because it has happened on other applications.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
We know about this issue and this a bug in InstallShield Tuner. We have fixed the bug but it will be available in the next release of AdminStudio.

The workaround that I can think is to try deleting "DLLWrapCleanup" entry in InstallUISequence table. This might work. Apart of this I don't have too many options. But I guarantee that this will work fine in our next release.

Quite often I have a problem with tuner when I create a response transform. I usually get "Unspecified Error" and then "No Msi database is currently open". I had none of these problems with Admin Studio 3.01 or 3.5 using the same vendor .msi but do with 5.X. Is this related to the bug you mentioned? I've looked for what you mentioned previously in this thread but didn't see those two entries in "InstallUISequence" in the vendor .msi. I usually have to use the 3.5 tuner to create transforms for these .msi's. 😞

The one i'm having a problem with now is Hummingbird Exceed 8.0. 3.5 handles it fine but not 5.x!

Thanks in advance for your time!

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Can you Zip this MSI package and send it to me at

I will look into the problem and can provide you with an answer.
Thought I would post Amber's workaround for those of you who might be having the same issue.

After looking at the HummingBird MSI package, I found that this is a bug in Tuner. But the good news is that this bug_has been_fixed and will be available in our next upcoming release.
After looking at AdminStudio 5.02 here is what you can do for a workaround. I don't know if you have heard of a tool called "Orca". If not search on Microsoft website and download this tool. Once you install this tool, you can open your MSI package in ORCA. Now go to Directory table and search for "INSTALLDIR", When you find this record in the Directory table, go to the last column "DefaultDir" and replace "." with some other text maybe "Test" (I called it "TunerBug").
Now save the MSI package and then try to create the response transform. You will find no problems and your response transform will be created successfully. But now something very important, once your transform is created open it in Tuner and go to the "Product Properties" node and change the Default Destination Path back to "ProgramFilesFolder". This will reset your "INSTALLDIR" back to the original value.

It worked for me. I just wish InstallShield would release a "Value Pack" to fix this and all other known issues. Is Admin Studio 5.5 incapable of standing on its own (new features?) that they must force you to upgrade to fix this and other such issues?

Just a note, Amber did an excellent job in getting me an answer and she got it quick! I have nothing but praise for her!
