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Tuner Error "Installation not complete. Failed to create transform"

Hi Guys,

I am trying to create a response Transform to a manufacturer MSI (Mindjet Mindmanager v6) and am encountering problems.

When I run through making the responses I get to a certain point (Entering the Serial Number) and when I press next I get this error - "Installation not complete. Failed to create transform" followed by a Tuner error "No MSI database is currently opened"

Any Ideas?


(5) Replies
Was a serial number entered? If so, was it a valid serial number? If not, does the error appear when a valid serial number is entered?
Not applicable
I have exactly the same problem. No serial number is entered or required. I have just provided a user name and oganisation name. A normal install with the MSI will accept the ones I provide (or indeed anything) but not the install I run with tuner.


Yeah, that happens.

It is caused by the customaction in the MSI that is being used to validate the serial number.

as an alternative to tuner, enable full logging, examine the log file for PROPERTY CHANGE lines and make your own transform from scratch
Not applicable
But I am not asked for a serial number. If I turn off the dialog which asks for a user and organisation I get the same failure at the next dialog where I am bing asked for a new password.

I have since been through the MSI and eliminated all ICE errors. I still have the same problem.
Is your *.msi typically launched via an *.exe? If so, you will want to see what properties are getting passed via commandline--I've seen this with any number of packages (most recently Nero 7).

The problem is that a Response Transform is created by actually launching the package, and hooking the Property table to see what changes during the UI sequence. It's launched in a particular mode that makes no changes to the system, and so the bootstrapper might be necessary to launch the transform wizard.

The *.msi log should show what is being passed by the *.exe bootstrapper. I would recommend the following if it is an InstallShield setup:

HOWTO: Logging an InstallScript MSI Project

Or, if it is a custom bootstrapper that won't pass parameters for you, the logging policy is a little better suited:

INFO: Enable Windows Installer Logging with Group Policies: