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Third Party App

I have a third party application (RightFax). I have modified the Setup.ini with all necessary modifications, and when I run setup.exe from a mapped drive it works correctly.

If I run it from a unc path setup.exe ignores the setup.ini. The setup.ini is in the same folder as setup.exe.

I don't want to run this from a mapped drive. Has anyone seen this before with a third party installshield package (MSI)? Are there any commandline switches to indicate the location of setup.ini (I could not locate any)?

(3) Replies
Please give more detail. Are you saying that this is a vendor supplied InstallShield MSI and you just wantt to do a basic transform or something?
Yes this is a third party MSI - vendor app. I'm trying to automate the deploy using the vendor documentation (modifying the supplied setup.ini). Apparently it will only see the setup.ini if it is run from the root (e.g., \\uncpath\apppath\setup) will not work. Probably not the right place to post but I'm at my wits end. Just wondering if there is a hidden switch to let setup.exe know where the setup.ini is located.
Since you see setup.ini I assume you also see setup.exe and the MSI file. Just skip right over the setup.exe all together and use:

msiexec /ifoo.msi /qn

The only reason you need setup.exe is if you are counting on it doing things like installing MSI Runtime, .NET Framework, Setup Prereqs or IScript engine.

As for UNC ignoring setup.ini, I've never seen that one before. I run my setup.exe's from UNC paths all the time without problems.