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By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have created a transform for my application. It tries to default to Program Files and then the Application Name. However, I used a command line that set the PROGDIR AND THE DATADIR and set the drive to c. The weird part is that the files that I include with the package are getting written to the D drive. WHY?!?! There are no references that I can find that would make it go to D. Everything else works fine - but these files that I include in my transform. Is there another setting? What can I do to force all items to download to the same drive.

Help Please!
(5) Replies
The reason that they are defaulted to D drive is, they are not set correctly, or may be overwritten at a later stage, most likely by CostFinalize action. You may want to log your installation, review the installation log to determine where and why it goes wrong.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I found out that when I created the path seemingly on the destination root, it must be taking some setting from my personal computer which has a partitioned drive. Why would this be? How am I suppose to be able to include a file, say, on the root of the systemdrive to go with an install?
Perhaps, you can provide more descriptive information on what you did, and what you want to achieve?
Internet Explorer, mdac etc (see the pattern of MS products) have annoying built in paths. they don't tend to use what you tell them as far as the actual drive letter is concerned. z.B I have a default programfiles directory (set in the registry) of d:\apps, I install an update for IE or certain other programs and suddenly I find a path of c:\apps. It has taken the variable of program files and written that to the hard path of c: (many companies don't see the need for allowing seperate drives.) Your problem seems to be related to this, I have been asking around for a while now and gotten no satisfactory answer as to why or how to change this behaviour. Instead of using the default %ProgramFilesFolder% variable it uses a combination of %SystemDrive% and %ProgramFilesFolder% to make a new variable. I have worked around this (VERY TEMPORARILY) by writing the SystemDrive variable in the registry as D:\ running the install and then cleaning up a bit. Seems to be (at present) the only viable work around.
by default, msiexec will install your msi into the drive that has the most free space, i'm correcting this with a property called ROOTDRIVE=C:\ (in caps).

hope this helps!