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Help, I'm a total novice

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I hope I'm not imposing in the wrong place but I've got to start somewhere. I need to create a small installation package. This package will be housed on a 16 or 32 meg flash memory key USB device. This package will need to automatically check for the installation of and/or install Adobe Acrobat Reader v. 4.0 and then open a predesignated .pdf file also housed on the USB device - on whatever system the user plugs it into. This needs to support Win98 thru Win2003. Is this possible. Is this a very difficult thing to do? Can someone help me do it? I have AdminStudio v. 5.0 and my name is Mark. Please, if you can and are willing to help - e-mail me or post a reply. Even if it's just to point me in the right direction. The above tasks need to be fully automated requiring no input at all. Plug it in, and subsequently end up with the .pdf on the screen. Thank you if you can help and my apologies in advance if I'm in the wrong place.
(4) Replies
you need to be a little more specific with "small application", does it contain any drivers? services? etc. If it is a simple exe file that runs on the stick then it should be no problem. You would need to check for the existence of the usb token path, do a file search for (drive):\, the same for acrobat reader, simply search the computer for acroread32.exe and the version minimum, set an install condition of ACROPRESENT<>"" and copy the contents of the search (the install path, should be done automatically) into the string. as long as something is there the equation evaluates true and the install runs. you need to be sure however that the software itself runs on all desired systems without system specific parts or you need to know exactly what they are. as far as running the pdf afterwards, simply create a custom action(installed with product and point it to the pdf file) as long as Acrobat is present, the pdf will open.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thank you so much for responding, and I could use more responses as well, as I am truly a novice in this area. I may have been misleading when I said "installation package". I should have been more clear in saying that the ultimate end result I'm trying to achieve is nothing more than this: Insert flash memory key into USB - and bingo. Within a few seconds a .pdf file opens up automatically and can be read on the users screen. That's it. Nothing more or less. The important thing is that it needs to require no user input what-so-ever. Plug it in, and read what pops up. Again, thank you and thank you to whoever else may be able to assist me here too.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Bit of a stab in the dark as I'm not sure if it would work but would placing an autorun.inf file in the root on the USB device kick it off automatically when it's inserted as if you were inserting a CD ?
The autorun.inf could then call an MSI file on the usb device to run the specified script and do the necessary.
Have a play with it and see if it works, would be interested to know 😄

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Been away a couple days and now back. I'm going to try the autorun.inf thing today or tomorrow. I'll post the results. Thank you.