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Software updates getting installed


When I capture an application on a clean Windows 7, from my computer where i got Adminstudio installed (Windows XP).

I copy the repackaged files into the adminstudio-computer and create the MSI.

When i try to install it on a clean Windows 7 computer, the application getting installed normally and works perfectly, but the installation comes with Acresso Update Manager, with a link in the startmenu called "Software Updates".

I even tried to install the msi to a WinXP-system, the application does not get installed, but the Software Updater does??

I guess it comes with the creation of the msi-package (or something), but how do i get rid of it? I dont want a updater for all my msi-packages.

Or is it wrong to create the MSI on a WinXP-system when you done the capture on a Win7-suystem?

(1) Reply
Hi Johan,

What you're seeing very likely has to do with the original application integrating in some way with our Flexnet Connect products. It may install a limited version of our update agent, which then causes Repackager to pull in the FNC merge module when you build the Repackager project.

If this is undesirable, I would recommend opening the *.ism and de-selecting the Flexnet Connect merge module(s) from the 'Redistributables' view of InstallShield.

Regarding how the application behaves on a Windows XP system, there may be some literal paths that get captured that aren't valid on XP (but are on Windows 7). I'd take a look at the Shortcuts and Files and Folders view of the *.ism as well to see what it looks like.

