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Single Package MSI

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Receintly I wnt through the AdminStudio training in Chicago. During the training we did an exercise in which we embedded a tranform within an MSI and saved it as a new one. I cannot however seem to remember how to do this. I would like to create a transform, embed it into a third file that contains all of the files necessary to install. Because we use an automated installation system that was built in house the syntax for installs need to be virually identcal. I need to use the syntax "msiexec /i program.msi LIMITUI=2" I cannot use the syntax "msiexec /i program.msi TRANSFORMS=program.mst LIMITUI=2"

It is also important that all the files are packaged into one single file so they cannot get lost on the network.

I know all this is possible because we were able to do it in class. I feel bad because I can't remember exactly how. I have looked up embedded transforms both in the SDK and in the Application repackaging guide offered by installsheild. I cannot figure this out!!:confused:
(13) Replies
One option is to use the MSI Platform SDK script WiSubStg.vbs, or the SDK tool MsiDB.exe.

(If you have a copy of Administrator's Introduction to Application Repackaging and Software Deployment using Windows Installer [], see pp. 244-5.)
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I currently have "program.msi" and its associated files."Program.msi" was built by xyz software company.

I have created "program.mst".

I would like to take all of these files and save them as "new program.msi" and include all the associated files in one single file. This way I can copy this to a cd and the user will get a customized install of Program by simply running the syntax "msiexec /i program.msi LIMITUI=2"

When I look at the CD I should only see 1 file called "new program.msi"

I have read the section in the application repackaging book on 244-5 about embedding transforms and I still don't get it.

Everytime I attempt to open "program.mst" in AdminStudio 3.5 Developer it opens in Direct edit mode and I do not see the section "prepare for distribution"

I have been able to use the Create/Apply Transforms... wizard and come up with a third file that doesn't include the source files, but I cannot package it to make it one file.

Someone please help me, I have called support 3 times with no help. I have posted both here and on installsite with no meaningful results. I have about 30 apps I need to repackage this way ASAP.

Thank you in advance
Perhaps try opening the existing MSI in Developer with File > Open, selecting "Open as: Wizard"; you could then use the Release Wizard to build a compressed release, and then use the MSI SDK script to embed the transform...
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
If I embed the transform will it automaticly be applied with the syntax above?
Not automatically; you might add the TRANSFORMS property with value :MyTransformName.mst to the Property Manager (Property table). (See p. 243 of the repackaging book.)
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I need to make sure this will work without the additional option of "TRANSFORMS="

What I have managed to be able to do so far is this:

Create a MST file using tuner "program.mst"

Open developer and apply the transform to the original msi leaving me a third file "combined.msi"

I then open the third file in developer using the wizard which changes the msi to a installshield product.

I can then build a fully compresses release of the application and save as a single file "completed.msi"

This worked perfectly fine with the Developer Art.msi file that is on the "Administrators guide to repackaging...." CD

However when I do this with any Microsoft application I get an error stating : "MsOffice Setup cannot continue because the installation source has been corrupted"

I have had the same happen with both MS Publisher 2002 and with MS Visio 2002

AM I missing something here or just going about it all wrong?:confused: :confused:
I haven't tried those applications specifically, but it seems they're doing their own validation at startup; if you're limited to one command-line switch, could you include the LIMITUI setting in the transform, and then have your deployment system pass only the TRANSFORMS property?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
LIMITUI is used for our automated systems because we want to leave the applications to be able to be installed manually if need be.

Even if this were not the case my concern would be that I would have to use the command line "msiexec /i program.msi TRANSFORMS=" for the legacy apps that I am repackaging. I do not know what will happen on the applications that there is no transform for.

I find it hard to belive that this program does not allow for the repackaging of standard Microsoft applications like Visio or Publisher. I am beginning to feel I backed the wrong horse!:(

Are people out there just not repackaging Microsoft applications?
I don't know enough about those specific MSI packages to know what displays that message about a corrupted database (a custom action?); does applying the transform to the original MSI database succeed if the transform is external to the MSI?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
If the Transform is extermal to the MSI everything works fine.

As soon as I apply/merge the transform and create the third file. "combined.msi" I get the error message that the source has been corrupted
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have been able to get the file to work after merging togeater the MSI and MST and coming up "combined.mst" - the problem was that when combined.msi is created, it changes the path of the source file to match where the "combined.msi" was created.

In other words the source files were all located at l:\msvisio\4 project and source files. When I created the "combined.msi" I told it to save it in l:\msvisio\5 Completed.msi

When I attempted to run the combined.msi from \5 completed msi I got the error that the source files were corrupted.

I then reopened Completed.msi and looked at the path of the source files and discovered that the msi was looking for the files at \5 completed msi

I then copied all of the source files to \5 completed msi and was able to install the program.

Now I have the MST combined with the MSI and I am able to run the installation as long as it is in the same directory.

We are almost there :D.

I then open the Completed.msi file using "wizard" and open the release wizard. I then create a new release and fully compress the source files into the MSI. I then attempt to run this MSI file in order to install it on a clean machine and I get the "corrupted" message again:(

The error must be happening when I attempt to build a release. Does adminStudio alter something at this point that it shouldn't be??:confused:
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am still working on this problem and would really appreciate any assistance I can get.

So far I have attempted this with multiple applications and get the same results

Has anyone had any luck repackaging any Microsoft MSI into a single file?!

I have the book "Administrators introduction..." Is there any books out there specific to Adminstudio?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Have you tried Orca from the SDK? there is an option fro mthe menu to apply transform and then you can "save transformed as".