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Silent install does not complete.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Currently I have distribute software using an AutoEXNT service which calls a .BAT file which in turn has calls setup.exe file with all the silent switches. Now this appears to work. By this I mean that files are copied and registries are created but the software does not appear in the Add\Remove Programs and shortcuts are not created. The the only differance in the log files of a working install and the non-working install is that the Working log contains:
MSI (s) (10:BC): Product: Oracle Developer 6i -- Installation operation completed successfully.
Where the Broken log does not. It is like the PC is waiting for something to complete before finalizing and I do not know what this is. If anyone has an answer or idea it would be grealty appreciated.
(1) Reply
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
For some reason the .msi does not perform a per machine install but if I force a per machine install by passing the "ALLUSERS=2" command to the .msi everything works fine.