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Setup and running

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Hello all. I am new to the repackaging arena so forgive my lack of knowledge. I have a question. I have a clean PC that i want to run the repakcage wizard from. I am testing Admin Studio 5. The documentation says to run the setup.exe from the C:\Program Files\InstallShield\AdminStudio\5.0\Repackager directory. I copied this EXE to the clean machine and I ran the setup. Everything went OK> When I try to launch the repackager I get an error that says "Inilialization of RichEdit control failed!" Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
(5) Replies
To run the Repackager from a remote machine, pls install the setup.exe available at C:\Program Files\InstallShield\AdminStudio \5.0\Repackager\Remote Repackager Directory.

When you install this setup on the remote machine, it will ask you for the location of the original install directory (which is the directory on the machine having AdminStudio).

Rajesh Tammana
InstallShield Software Corporation.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Well thank you. I tried it and I still get the same message. I cahnged the dirctory to --> \\PCNAME\Admin Studio Shared
Is this correct?
I believe during the installation of Remote Setup it will ask for the location of the Repackager install.

So you would want to point that to \\Adminstudiomachine\program files\AdminStudio\5.0\Repackager directory.

Can you specify your machine configuration ?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
From the clean machine map a drive (X) to your development machine (the one with adminstudio on it). Map another drive (Y)on the clean machine to the development machine and create a directory to store your repackager files (*inc, *irp..etc) Run isrepackager.exe from the clean machine.
Once you have your repackager files, you can then use developer to create the MSI locally on your dev machine.....