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Security Rights for Files/folders

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have used Admin Studio to repackage an app that puts a directory under program files. Like the directory above, 'Users' are given Read/Execute/List rights (Win 2k). Well, this app has a 'favorites' file that it needs to write/modify.

Is there some way to add rights to a file or folder in Admin Studio?

Preferably I would give just this program's install folder modify/write (+ the original R/E/L) for everyone.

(6) Replies
You can modify file, folder or registry information through the LockPermission table in direct editor or ORCA. Search for that under the help file and also, it'll provide you with more details on the values for each permission.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks 🙂
Easier than direct table editing, Developer now has built-in permissions editing. Check out the Permission button on the file properties.

Just right click on the file in the Components View and select properties. In there, you'll se a new button for Permissions. All of the well known group names (i.e. Users, Administrators, Backup Operators, etc) work, but keep in mind that the ACLs replace that is there, they are not additive.

To do the same for a folder, select the Destination Permissions elipsis (...) in the Component grid, when the component is selected.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
we could set permissions on the feature level.
set permissions in the folder view.
append permissions without overwriting the ACL.

Maybe Santa will bring these.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have a question regarding the syntax I need to use under InstallShield Developer 8.0 for LockPermissions. I want to set a folder to be writable by Everyone. So, should I set the domain to [%USERDOMAIN] or just %USERDOMAIN. Also should I enclose Everyone within square brackets as well.

Please help.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
just use builtin\users all in the name field and all domain users will have access.

Or just put EVERYONE in the user field and no domain.