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Repackaging Post-capture best practices, what to strip out, etc.

I've been sifting through google and various forums, trying to find a best practices guide. I'm familiar with the various tests to run (Installation test, legacy comparison test, advertisement test). I'm more interested in what is considered "best practice" with regard to elements being captured with Repackager. Specific user's folders, for example, should go. What else?
(2) Replies
One of the best ways to avoid extraneous files and registry keys in your capture is to have a good exclusion list. This is accomplished by editing C:\Program Files\AdminStudio Shared\isrepackager.ini. I received a real nice isrepackager.ini file from an instructor when I took a Flexera training class a year ago. In the spirit of sharing I’ve attached it to this message.

Make a copy/backup of your current isrepackager.ini file. Then download the attached file, extract it, and place it in the folder mentioned above.
I hope this helps.
First action for a good Exclusion list:

Start your "Clean Machine" , run the Repack.exe 2-step Snapshot method (Step 1)
Start IE, WMP, Explorer etc.. wait 10 min. REBOOT
After reboot wait another 10 min.
run the Repack.exe 2-step Snapshot method (Step 2)

Build IRP and open this on your AdminStudio Workstation with the repackager (ISLC.exe)
Exclude "ALL" that is in the subfolders where a file / regkey is found....NOT THE FILE ITSELF)

Save the IRP and open the IRP with Notepad.
here you will see all the exclusions that you just made.
Copy them over to the right location in the ISREPACKAGER.INI and you have your exclusion list.

Second Action: ( for excluding during repackaging)
these are the base rules:
To exclude or not?
Basic rule: keep if doubt
If application name is in the filename / foldername , keep.

What to exclude
• .TMP
• InstallShieldSetup (ISSCRIPT.dll)
• .Log
• .evt
• .txt(reclames etc..)
• Uninstall info
• oem# .inf / .pnf
• .BAK
• .DAT????
• .lastknowngood
• MRU (Most Recently Used)
• NextInstance
• Recent
• Seed
• Count
• CurrentSession
• Hardware/pnp if not expected
• computerName (Property)
• DomainName (Property)
• UserName (Property)
• IpAddress (Property)
• MacAddress (Property)