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Repackaging Adobe Acrobat Writer 5.0.5

Hi All,

I have repackaged Adobe Acrobat Writer 5.0.5 with Admin Studio in Windows Installer format (.msi). When I install my package interactively, everything installs and functions properly. However when I publish my package through the Active Directory and install through the Add/Remove Program, the PDF Port does not get created.

Both installation methods were tested with local admin and users with admin privileges and also elevated privileges on AD. All tests are based on Windows XP and similar tests were performed on Windows 2000 with the same results.

I also compared the registry keys for the PDF port on both instance of installation and they were similar. Creating the port manually was also unsuccessful. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
(33) Replies
Nicholas --

Yes I rebooted before taking the second repackager pass.

I found 6 occurrences of the name of the machine the install was done on. All in HKLM -- 3 in Software, and 3 in system -- uNCName, serverName, and shortServerName.

I didn't find any occurrences of AllUserProfile.

Please explain!

In the resgistry, the pdf ports are listed as C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\Desktop\*.pdf. This is interpreted by the repackager as AllUserProfile but not converted back during the install of the MSI.
Hi all -- Scott's registry items pulled from both exclusion files (default.ini and defaultoss.ini) did the trick!! Between Nicholas and Scott, this problem is solved! 🙂 All I have left now is a little polishing!!

Thanks to both of you!!!!
Can the folders which contain language files our company does not use be removed from the package safely? US English, Canadian English, and Canadian French are the only ones we would use.

Jim 🙂
That is a good question. I do not have an answer for you on this. I would recommend give it a try. Of course make a back up first then try it out. I would like to know if this does in fact work or not.
OK -- I'm in process...

Not having done adequate testing, yet, be very careful.

It seems as though it is running just fine with these folders removed:

Folder_Bokmal, Folder_Brazil, Folder_Catalan, Folder_Danish, Folder_Dutch, Folder_Finnish, Folder_German, Folder_Italian, Folder_Nyorsk, Folder_OldSwiss, Folder_Portuguese, Folder Reformed (German), Folder_Spanish, Folder_Swedish, Folder_Swiss, Folder_Swiss1, Folder_Traditional (German), and Folder_UK.

So far, so good...

Thanks for the update on this. This is also good to know that these folders|files can be removed.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Hi hopefully someone out there in msi land can help.

I have followed all the advice on adobe acrobat and I feel I have nearly got it working.

The problem I have is for the user who installs the application it is fine but for another user when they try and run acrobat it tries to self heal and then fails with detection of product for component failed error message.

The components it is looking for listed in event viewer are


Please help I think 'm nearly there.
Did you install under the user with administrative privilege?

Did the install go under all users?

What are the key file/key path for the two components?

Does the second user have access to the MSI file?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Hi Nicholas, I have plugged away and after looking at loads of info on the forums it is now working !!!!!

One of the components I removed the Inproc32 entry which cleared that up.

The other component was pointing to a word file in an office directory which wasn't there, but to find the files I had to backtrack by searching in orca first for the component id listed in event viewer then for the file and lookign at the entries related to the file which weren't needed.

Anyway I think thats how I did it, my brain is a bit all over the place at the moment.

But it proves there is a wealth of info in these forums...
Yes there sure is a wealth of information and it sounds like you learned a great deal in the process of troubleshooting.


Hi, i'm reposting in this thread since it contains alor of usefull information first sorry for my poor english i'm french 😛

Ok to i've managed to repackage adobe acrobat 5.05 with a reboot the printers show up and everything is fine exept that after deploying the package via unicenter software delivery it's like if the installation process starts again and is asking me for the location of the msi. Problem is that the msi is not stored on the computer and it does not even need it since i can see acrobat in the background, plus the "setup" launches randomly at any time which is really annoying. I've never encountred this problem before and would like to get rid of this thing.

I hope i was clear enough with my frenchie explanation héhé, can anyone help me please ?

Thanks alot.

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