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Repackager forget files

I have some problesm withe Repackager from Admin Studio 7.0.

Problem 1: I make a msi file by installation monitoring the installation. I build the package (all files included) and when I install the msi package on a pc he forget about 100 files in the directory. The dir is on drive 😧

Problem 2: I make a snapshot of the installation, the installation is only a copyjob and make some links on the desktop in the all users profile. When I build the msi package all files included, but by the installation of the msi package some files are missing. The dir is on drive D:, too.

Where is the problem?
(4) Replies
Please make sure that you have applied hotfix 4 for AdminStudio 7. It fixes some known issues with in the building of MSI packages that could cause this kind of behavior.
Where can I get the Update? We have a problem to get the Updates about the Admin Studio Update Button throuh our Firewall. Can I download the Hotfix manual from a web site?
Now I have installed the hotfix 4 and the old problems are repaired.
But now I have a new problem.
I build the msi file and when I install this, it istall some dll files directly in the root from the drive where the application is installed.
Is there a hotfix or anything else for this problem known?