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Reinstall not working properly

I have an msi for DB2 that I am trying to get to reinstall. In the package files are set up to go to c:\Program Files\SQLLIB\bin, this works the first time it is installed. If for some reason the software is uninstalled and reinstalled all files and folders in this location go to c:\winnt\system32. The bin folder is the INSTALLDIR, this is the only folder that is having problems. Is there something about this folder that would cause a problem. We are installing this through Active Directory. Again, it works fine the first the software is installed but if reinstalled it installs to the wrong location. What do I need to check?

(2) Replies
I should have mentioned that I am using version 3.5 of AdminStudio.
I have seen this error with a package containing certain ODBC entries.

What i found with that package is:

That package is installing certain ODBC drivers/DSNs that are destined for a certain directory. But Windows is caching those Drivers/DSNs to the system directory. So next time when the app is installed since these files exist in the system directory also, MSI is setting the target directory of the component(which consists of ODBC entries) to the system directory. So all the files belonging to that component were getting installed the system directory.

InstallShield Software Corporation