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Read-Only mode?

Why does InstallshieldX Pro tell me that the MSI I've opened, & then tried to save over the other is opened in Read-Only mode?
(4) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
When you are opening a MSI file you will be in "Direct Edit mode", which basically means you are directly editing the database tables of the MSI. If you are editing a third-party MSI you could break the MSI and invalidate any support that might be avalible for software distribution.

You may want to import the existing MSI into a InstallShield X project by doing the following:

File -> open -> browse to the MSI, set "open as" to Wizard

That way you will be able to recompile the MSI and edit the package as normal
I should maybe have stated tha this IS an MSI that I authored with Installshield.
It is a repackaged vendor setup.
But, I'll try anyway
Did you find a fix to this problem?
I know that I have issues with using VMware and editing the packages on the fly. Seems that Vmware keeps an open thread to the file. Only way to break it is to shut VMware down. I have a work around for it in that if you save as :appname.exe to appname1.exe and then back and forth, it works. it's a pain, but it works...

good luck
hmm, interesting.
Not getting it recently, but with that info, i'll perhaps have more of a clue to look intp stuf.
When it does happen, it's extremely frustrating, & if memory serves, I;ve rebooted & everything , but that doesnt mean there's still not a process starting up...

we'll seee,