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Problem with rights?!?! Or is this a Bug?


I have a problem with rights on an Windows XP OS System.

Some Files (e.g. master.cfg) I added manually via the InstallShild can´t be accessed from "Power User" or normal "user" they got the message:

"Access is denied." after the Installation with Adminright. BUT all the other files in the same Folder can´t be read from the users above.

The file is in:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data

so all Users sould have right to this files...

When I kopied this file (copy of master.cfg) with my adminaccound on this machine the user is able to read modifize and so on...

But NOT the orginal file who was copied during my Installation...

I checked always the "Red-Only" Option... but this isn´t selected...

Please, can anyone help me? I don´t have an Idea 😞
(10) Replies
Have you tried adding permissions to this file using the LockPermissions table?
Yes I tried:

[ALLUSERSPROFILE]\Application Data\t4hconfig.cfg

Configfile <-- Not sure if this is right



268435456 <--- Sould be ALL Permissions

But I´m unsure if my table option is correct...
I checked the permission of this file...

But the user everyone isn´t added :confused:

See screenshot
A guess - Try Builtin\Everyone rather then Everyone.
In LockPermissions table, the Table column expects either File, Registry, or CreateFolder to specify a LockObject listed in the File table, Registry table, or the CreateFolder table. The Domain column can be left blank.

You will want to refer to this thread for more information. If you need additional information, please do a search on permissions or LockPermissions in the forums.
oh... ok...

Understand I you right, that wenn I add a file for example the t4hconfig.cfg to an existing MST-Package, that I must also add the file to the "File table"?
If you are trying to grant permissions to users on a file, that file has to be in the (MSI) package, i.e., in File table.

the next error I got 😞 ... But I must say that the file who is in the screenshot down under isn´t in the I have ad it to the MST File because the is the orginal Package (not mine) and I will only ad this damn config file... 😉

Is there a soulution without rebuilding the cab? I mean the file is allways be installed from the MST-File and this work fine but without file-permission for some users?!?!

Perhaps a soulution for me is to made a 2nd cab and add it to the media table...
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I think if you use lockpermissions table , files cannot be compressed in cab files . Try to make administrive install point first.

It seamed to be a back with the installshield tuner who was delivered with Lotus Notes. I have tryed the InstallShield 30Days Demo and it works fine...
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