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Prevent Features from installing????????

I want to modify an existing package, Rightfax 8.5

In installshield, i click features, then there are a number of features


what i want to do is install the bottom 2, RFClient and RFDriver. and not the other one.

so if i run msiexec -i "C:\rightfax\rfclient.msi" /qn it will do a silent install only installing those items.

currently it installs everything, so where would i set what it installs?

if i click on the feature and look at the properties there is nothing that states what is installed, the closest thing is "Remote Installation" and i set it to Favour Source on the admintools and Favour Local on the other 2, but its no help.

The other way i thought of is just to click the feature and delete it completely....

so can anyone please help me

(2) Replies
also if it helps i can add commands to say what to install

msiexec -i "C:\rightfax\rfclient.msi" /qn ADDLOCAL=RFClient,RFDriver

but i cant find nething in the properties....
ok i worked it out.... silly me

in the properties table i had to create my own addlocal entry, and it works now