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Photoshop elements 2.0

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have been trying to repackage photoshop elements. i run the snapshot to get the .inc and then take that into developer i get a bunch of errors regarding the product code they are ic33 errors. After fixing those in the registry or at least thinking i do. i run a build and get 2 errors about font types for icons and otherwise all gowell. when i run the install it works but when i try to run the program but it comes up with an error saying missing or faulty user registration data and the program shuts down. any ideas please help.
(3) Replies
I'm pretty sure that the Adobe Phoshop Elements drops it's registration information into the standard Windows Uninstall key. Which is something that the repackager tends to ignore, quit rightly. Once I added a couple of those keys, User, Company and Serial or something then it all worked great.

The rest of the Adobe apps also check for the exact data of a particular "Main Class" registry key, if they don't find it exactly as they expect (Case sensitive and everything!) it then it tries to re-register that .REG file that's lurking in the Product folder.

That usually gets a locked down user upset so you should overwrite the windows installer setting with something which Adobe is actually expecting. Don't touch the Darwin identifier (Looks like gobble-de-gook in the ClassId, thats fine) just modify the default registry entry with a registry key that Adobe really supplies.

It will generate a new ICE33. This won't work well if you want to permission this same key but if you do it this way you shouldn't need to permission that puppy anyway.

Matt J.
Tagging on to what Matt said about the registration information...

Of late, it has also been seen that some vendors are taking steps to keep sensative (read: serial number) information from being captured by a repackager.

As with many things of a programatic nature there are probably dozens of ways of doing this. However one way is by calling a DLL for the serial number dialog.

Because this is not an MSI form, the repackager does not pick it up.

Contacting the vendor may get you further on in the process but if they don't want it captured don't expect too much help circumventing their security model.

"...imported registry entries from HKLM\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*AdobeProduct*. The entries contain the registration information. ..."

... I've packaged Photoshop Elements 2.0...