Have you activated your product yet?My guess would be that you are working with the evaluation, which makes this behaviour expected.There is a link in this forum's 'Read me First' sticky to KB article Q200900 which goes into greater detail.Q200900: F...
The MSI user interface does indeed support 'triggering' custom actions--with buttons, when the button is pressed.However, the MSI UI is limited beyond that.Microsoft is accepting suggestions for MSI and if you are interested in more functionality, th...
Roman,This issue is being tracked in work order IOA-000055433.Speaking with a developer, he suggested this work-around: use the 'Clear' button to delete the property.
How do you think CVS affected things?--which supporting file?Does it involve the 'TXTextControl14.0' merge module again?What steps were taken immediately prior to the behavior (this time)?What comes to mind when you think back to the last time this h...
Express does not open ISM files (the sample InstallScript project) and so that message would be expected.However, the ISE is its (current) native project extension. (Not to confuse the issue, but in the past it had used ISM but then moved to ISE for ...