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PerUser Installation

Has anyone run into the problem where you install a PerUser installation of a product and then attempt to uninstall it using a command line such as:

Msiexec.exe /x {2367E2FF-6817-45EB-952E-5196F3789B68}

Click Yes to uninstall it and then you get a dialog that states:

" This action is only valid for products that are currently installed "

The package is clearly installed but ONLY for the user that installed it. I'm attempting to uninstall it logged in as that user BUT using elevated rights through a ZEN object that is simply passing this command:

Msiexec.exe /x {2367E2FF-6817-45EB-952E-5196F3789B68} /qb-!

I've tried multiple variations but none work. The only thing i've noticed is I have this object (ZEN) configured to "Run as unsecure system user". If I configure it to "Run normal" (inherit the rights of the user currently logged in, which is a member of the users group) it begins to run briefly but then does a rollback as if it failed.

I believe when it's running as "System User", Windows doesn't see it as being installed for the user "System". Is there away to uninstall for allusers?

I hope this is clear.

(2) Replies
I have had a simaliar issue. I didn't have to deal with the Secure -vs- normal options so not sure if these will work for you.

msiexec.exe /x Drive\Path\App.msi ALLUSER=""qb
msiexec.exe /x {GUID} ALLUSER="" /qb

I received better results with the first option.

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it didn't work for me. However, what I was able to do was to configure my ZEN object to delete all HKLM registry keys that pertained to this specific application. Once that has completed it runs the following command:

Msiexec.exe /x {2367E2FF-6817-45EB-952E-5196F3789B68} /qb-!

This uninstalled the per-user application perfectly without any issues all while having the ZEN object set to execute as "Run Normal".

Thanks for your help!!!
