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Has anyone repackaged SecuRemote 4.5, SAP 6.2C2 or Visio 2000. I am having many problems with those. SAP 6.2C2 and Visio 2000 are .msi based but the .msi are in .exe format which Admin Studio doesnt like. I've tried repackaging both using snapshot and install monitoring, neither produce a usable "package". Building the SAP 6.2C2 package I get over 600 errors. What I get from Visio are builds that crash or lockup my test machines.

Any suggestions would be great...

(2) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Yes secure remote - I have packaged several versions of secure remote, but by cheating slightly.
The secure remote installation is a heavily customised install shield ( 7 prehaps ) installation. Because of the way it wraps with modems and NIC's each install is based on a hardware scan, and hence a snapshot is too unique to be deliverable.
Therefore to create the MSI I wrapped up the original installation and then ran it using an older setup.iss answer file (/f:setup.iss etc) or - get the firewall administrator can actually create an exe that runs silently.

This action is controlled to only run on install using conditions, and then on the uninstall I used another answer file that did the equivilant uninstall.

NB - The package also deleted the keys in the registry for hklm\software\windows\currentversion\microsoftUNINSTALL so that only the MSI one was available (it needed to be replaced in the registry in the step before the uninstall took place, otherwise the setup.exe would not run)
NB2 - In running the setup I found that running an installshield 7 engine collided with the one supplied by the MSI (ISS) , but by seperating by an extra shell it would work.

Hence - As a last resort I could deliver an application that looked and felt and self healed like an MSI, but was in fact a good old fashion setup.exe running silently.

As for Visio - a transform and use the OLE registration switch on the advert, you can usually extract the msi from the setup.exe during setup.
Same with sap - but you have to edit the NIR file before conversion as I recall.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I repackaged SAP 6.3 Compilation 3 using Repackager with vitually no problems (which was a vast improvement over 4.6D!).

As for Visio, I agree a transform is the way to go. I have had great success with Visio 2002 using the Office XP Resource Kit to create transforms.