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MST defining Server Locations for All applications within a corporation.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
So far I have been creating a Transform for all repackaged applicaitons to only define Server Locations. I would like to create one ServerLocation Transform to be used with all the applications. Is it "safe" to create one MST file from one of the applications, only define Server locations within it, and use it against another completely different application?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(1) Reply
By default, a transform generated with Tuner can be applied only to the product used to generate it: this is because of the validation flags set by Tuner.

Currently, to unset this flag, you'll need to use Orca (pull down Orca's Transform menu and select Transform Properties, clearing the "Same Product Code" check box); or use MSI Automation.

For more information, see, for example, pp. 231-237 of Administrator's Introduction to Application Repackaging and Software Deployment using Windows Installer (