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Conflict Solver philosophy: Products and Merge Modules

Am I right in thinking that the Products portion of ConflictSolver and the MergeModules portion are seperate functionally? What I mean specifically is, does the MM portion just find conflicts between Merge modules and the same for the Products, or are conflicts identified between the two? Another way to put it is, is there any linkage between the two portions and if so what is it?

Right now all of my developers are running AS3.5 with VP2. I'm thinking that I should have all of the MM that are installed with AS3.5 VP2 in ConflictSolver, along with all of the MM that we have written and and share using the setting in Developer

Tools/Options/File Locations/Merge Module Locations (All Users).

I hope I've explained this clearly, let me know if my questions aren't clear, and thanks for your help.

(3) Replies
The list of merge modules in AdminStudio are a reference consulted when added packages. Whenever a new package is added, all files in that packge will be checked. If for any of these files a merge module exists, ConflictSolver will suggest to use the merge module instead.

So if some MSI contains "msvbvm60.dll", ConflictSolver will suggest to use the merge module. This way you will not accidently install any file for which a merge module exists (this will prevent components with different GUID's).


I think that Developer does that when you use the Component Wizard to add file(s) to a project. This happens even if you don't have a connection to ConflictSolver.
That's correct. Things work the same in Developer.
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