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Newbe MSI Question (Reinstall)

I have a custom MSI file that was created with Repackager. It works great but I've been asked to update one file, add one file, and make a one registry change. I did this and recompiled. How do I force a reinstall without having to uninstall of the app from all my machines? This is the command line for the install via SMS 2003:

[FONT="Arial Narrow"]msiexec /i "PsychConsult Provider.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn[/FONT]

I think this is right for the reinstall:

msiexec /i "PsychConsult Provider.msi" ALLUSERS=1 REINSTALLMODE=vamus REINSTALL=ALL /qn

I created a new SMS program with that command line and have scheduled a test for this evening.


(2) Replies
Wouldnt vomus be better the vamus so only the changed file get reinstalled?
Tony_Toni_Tone wrote:
Wouldnt vomus be better the vamus so only the changed file get reinstalled?

Maybe but I honestly don't know what all those switches do. I need to keep reading.

My reinstall test went well BTW.

