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Need Installshield to check for file then abort on condition

I need to have my MSI check the user's machine (prior to install) for the existence of a text file and place an abort condition (or end install) dependent upon the existence of this file. Can anyone suggest the best method to accomplish this.
(2) Replies
You can create a system search in System Search view.
Faulkngar wrote:
I need to have my MSI check the user's machine (prior to install) for the existence of a text file and place an abort condition (or end install) dependent upon the existence of this file. Can anyone suggest the best method to accomplish this.

Actually, I did figure it out and the System Search feature was used as half of the equation; to do a search of all hard drives for a file and place the file name, were it found, in the public variable, SIGFILE. This result was then used as a LaunchCondition whereby the variable was compared to the actual file name and a Launch failure issued were the file found and the variable match the file name. I then set a display message "Installation aborted, Software found". All is well again!