I have created a System Search to Search for the value of a particular registry key and use this value to create another regsitry key i.e. create a feature with a component, the component creates a registry value, the feature install level is set to 101 unless the search condition is true then it sets install level to one and it installed i.e. the component modified the registry this works OK.
Now we want to take the same system search value (we stored the result in DATADRVPATH (i.e as above when setting up the System Search) and use it in a path statement for creating a folder.
I cannot see how this is done. If you look at Application Data (from the editor) and Files and Folder and Add Folder there are a lot of pre-defined system folders such as [CommonFilesFolder] and [ProgramFilesFolder]
the question is how can I take the value I extraced from the registry (in my system search, and which I stored to use latter for an install condition) and convert this to a parameters like [CommonFilesFolder] i.e. [DATADRVPATH] so I can then use this in a path when creating foders?
if I try to use it directly i.e. [DATADRVPATH] it creates a folder called DATADRVPATH it does not subsitute it for the value of DATADRVPATH which I am trying to use.
Thanks very much in advance